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CFS Sports Application for Non-members

indicates a required answer

Family Information

1. *

Name of Student:

2. *


3. *

Male or Female?

Male: Female:
4. *

Student is currently:

Homeschooled Other:

If "Other" is marked, what school does the student attend?

6. *

Father's Name:

7. *

Father's Phone #:

8. *

Father's Email:

9. *

Mother's Name:

10. *

Mother's Phone #:

11. *

Mother's Email:

12. *

Mailing Address:

Activity Information

13. *

Which sport would your student like to participate in?

14. *

Has student participated with CFS as a non-member in the past?

Yes: No:

If Yes, what activity?

16. *

Have you ever applied for membership with CFS?

Yes: No:
17. *

We have read and agree with the Cornerstone Family Schools Statement of Faith (SOF). The SOF is available on the CFS Website. Please Initial:

18. *

We have read the applicable CFS policies Here and will abide by them. Please initial:

19. *

We agree to pay applicable fees to participate in the specified activity. We also agree to pay the non-refundable new application fee as listed on the Fee Schedule HERE. This fee will transfer to a new application if you choose to join CFS immediately following the non-member school year. Please initial:

20. *

Father's Signature:

21. *

Mother's Signature:

By entering your name, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual/handwritten signature on this form.

22. *

Name of Sponsor:

The sponsor must be a CFS member or coach of the activity in good standing with CFS and who knows the applicant's family and agrees that the applying family meets the standards expected of CFS families. If there is no sponsor with a strong knowledge of the family, the applicants will be interviewed by one or more members of the CFS Board.