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Thank you for your interest in becoming involved in a leadership role for Cornerstone Family Schools.

Because CFS is an all-volunteer organization we require the commitment of individual member families to serve in various capacities as an activity leader, coordinator, coach, assistant coach, director, board member, etc.

Because these leaderships roles will be in direct contact with children, CFS requires the following:

  • A background check from a CFS approved vendor.
  • Complete a CFS approved Child Safety Training course every 2-years.
  • Acknowledge that you have reviewed and understand CFS history, its purpose, statement of faith, and, suspension protocol for late report submissions. (Activity Leader Orientation)
  • Read, agree and sign the Activity Leader Code of Conduct annually.

To review the policy in its entirety: Leadership Requirements and Code of Conduct (Policy G-008)


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Cornerstone Family Schools

Activity Leader CFS Orientation

Pursuant to CFS Policy G-008, anyone assuming responsibility within a sanctioned CFS activity must complete an annual orientation of CFS history, purpose, statement of faith, and suspension protocol for late reporting. Orientation should occur prior to starting a leadership role but is required before competition begins.


Cornerstone Family Schools (CFS) is an independent educational organization dedicated to assisting Christian families who have chosen to train their children in a responsible manner primarily at home. To accomplish this goal, CFS provides a structure of accountability, support, and encouragement for parents who desire to provide their children with the best possible training. This includes development of faith and virtue, essential knowledge and skills, and preparations for “life work.” While the primary role of CFS is to provide accountability and support to home school families, CFS also offers a variety of optional group activities and enriching options not normally available to an individual home-educating family. In summary, the combination of accountability, familial responsibility, and resources is intended to educate and train young men and women to work in and minister to the world with the character and love of Christ. This is why we exist. {Policy No.: G-002}


The roots of CFS go back to 1982, when a few families associated with the Cair Paravel School (now Cair Paravel-Latin) decided to train their children at home. Because of the evident advantages of association with a traditional Christian school and its resources, the Cair Paravel Satellite School was organized. At the time, the home education movement was young, small, and controversial; therefore, the Kansas Commissioner of Education was presented the satellite school concept with its attendant accountability and activities. His response in 1983 opened the door for what would eventually become Cornerstone Family Schools. He found the structure and operation of the Cair Paravel Satellite School Program to be in substantial compliance with the Compulsory School Law, if the instructor(s) is competent and the school is in session a period of time as above stated. Until the spring of 1990, the satellite school operated with a director and coordinator under the Cair Paravel-Latin School board of directors. At that time, it was determined that the program was large enough to require its own board of directors. Cornerstone Family Schools was born, and incorporated as a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. {Policy No.: G-002} 2


As a Christian school, the following statement of faith expresses the basics of our beliefs: 1. We believe the Bible to be the only fully inspired, infallible, inerrant and authoritative written Word of God. (II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:21) 2. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1; John 10:30, 37, 38) 3. We believe in the full deity and full humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His Sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious, substitutionary atonement through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:35; Hebrews 4:15, 7:25, 9:12; John 2:11, 11:25; Colossians 1:14, Acts 1:11; Revelations 19:11, 16) 4. We believe that the human race is fallen in Adam and that the salvation of lost and sinful man depends upon the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ and is made effectual by grace through faith. (Romans 3:23; John 3:16, 19, 4:24; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3:5, 6) 5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling and filling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. (Ephesians 5:18, 4:30; I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19, 20) 6. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they who are saved unto the resurrection of life and they who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. (John 5:28, 29) 7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that all disciples are called to attend, worship and serve Him in a local congregation or fellowship that is part of His Body, the Church. (Romans 8:9; I Corinthians 12:12, 13; Galatians 3:26, 28) 8. We believe that man was created in the image of God and that, from the moment of conception, each bears His image. (Genesis 1:26, 28; 5:1, 2) {Policy No.: G-002}


1. The Membership Ambassador will email the names of any members whose reports are late to Cell Group Leaders on the 6th of October, January, April, and July. Cell group leaders will determine if circumstances warrant a rare exception for any families who have outstanding reports. The Cell Group Leaders will notify the Membership Ambassador by 11:59 pm on the above noted dates if any members are needing an exception due to unforeseeable calamitous circumstances.

2. The Membership Ambassador will then compile the list into one email and send it to those listed on the attached “Contact List for Ineligible Students” (See Attachment A) informing them that the families are now ineligible to participate in all CFS activities.

3. Families submitting reports late, i.e., after 11:59 on October 5th , January 5th , April 5 th, and July 5th will be automatically suspended from participating in all CFS activities for the next 7 days (until 11:59 on the 12th). If the reports are still not submitted by 11:59 on the 12th, the suspension will 3 continue for another full 7 days. If the reports are still not submitted within two weeks of the deadline, the suspension will remain in place until the next Board meeting where the Board will determine if continued membership is warranted and if so, when the suspension will be lifted (i.e., until the beginning of the next semester).

4. Families attempting to participate in any CFS activities while on suspension will be discussed at the next CFS Board Meeting to determine if a longer membership suspension or termination of membership is warranted. If thus determined, a formal notice via email (cc Membership Ambassador) and phone will be given to said family by their Cell Group Leader within 2 days of the board meeting. (Attempting to circumvent the rules is not ethical for Christians.)

5. All current activity leaders/coordinators/coaches who are CFS members and allow suspended CFS members to participate in CFS activities will themselves and their CFS family members be suspended for a period of 7 days. They will be notified by the Membership Ambassador via email (cc Cell Group Leader) and phone. This ethical violation will be discussed at the next CFS Board Meeting to determine if a longer membership suspension or termination of membership is warranted. If thus determined, a formal notice via email (cc to Membership Ambassador) and phone will be given to said family by their Cell Group Leader within 2 days of the board meeting. (Attempting to circumvent the rules is not ethical for Christians.)

6. All current activity leaders/coordinators/coaches who are non-CFS members and allow suspended CFS members to participate in CFS activities will themselves be suspended from leading activities for 7 days. They will be notified by the Membership Ambassador via email (cc appropriate CFS Board Ambassador) and phone. This ethical violation will be discussed at the next CFS Board Meeting to determine if a longer suspension or termination of volunteer services is warranted. If thus determined, a formal notice via email (cc to Membership Ambassador) and phone will be given to said leader by the appropriate CFS Board Ambassador over said area within 2 days of the board meeting. (Attempting to circumvent the rules is not ethical for Christians.

7. As outstanding reports are submitted, the Membership Ambassador will send emails to the “Contact List for Ineligible Students” (see Attachment A) stating which families are still ineligible as well as those that are back in good standing and eligible to participate in CFS activities. The individual families will also be cc’d on the email and thus the families will be assured that all appropriate activity coordinators/leaders/coaches, and CFS board members have been informed of their eligibility. {Policy No.: F-003}

By signing below, I certify that I:

1. Have read and understand each of the orientation items listed above;

2. I understand that each of the items listed above is adopted CFS policy; and,

3. Agree to comply with each of the orientation items listed above, without reservation, along with all other adopted CFS policy other than list with this document.

4. Leaders found to violate, abuse or dissent to the orientation items listed above shall be subject to discipline up to an including removal from the leadership position.


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Review and Confirm
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Cornerstone Family Schools

Activity Leader Code of Conduct

Pursuant to CFS Policy G-008, anyone assuming responsibility within a sanctioned CFS activity must abide by the following code of conduct.

1. Regardless of the activity for which you perform a function, we exist as one organization. You agree to abide by the adopted policies of your activity and be subject to the guidance of the activity sub-committee that oversees the activity.

2. Recognize and accept that the CFS Board of Directors takes precedence over the activity subcommittees as the sub-committee reports to and takes direction from the Board within CFS.

3. Leaders shall make every effort to live by CFS’s ideal standards of belief (and not exhibit behaviors that are potentially harmful or destructive).

4. Leaders shall not engage in discussions that are disrespectful to the organizational leadership, other members, the organization, or others outside the organization.

5. CFS is a Christian organization that abides by a Statement of Faith. Leaders shall make every effort to act in accordance with Christian standards of conduct and not at variance with the CFS Statement of Faith.


Because CFS is an organization intended to assist Christian families, standards of godliness and moral behavior are expected, not only from all participants, both parents and children, but especially from those who assume leadership responsibilities within the organization.

Leaders found to violate the Code of Conduct shall be subject to discipline up to an including removal from the leadership position.

By signing below, I certify that I:

1. Completed a CFS approved background check, child safety training course and orientation (or whichever of these may be required according to my affiliation with CFS);

2. Have received a copy of the Code of Conduct for Activity Leaders;

3. Have read and understand the Code of Conduct; and,

4. Agree to comply with the Code of Conduct


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Review and Confirm
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